Posts Tagged ‘Amps’

So I’ve been checking out the Tonesaver Speaker cab with my Eleven Rack Rig. I’m using a Velocity 100 power amp and Eleven Rack to model just about any amp I chose. The Tonesaver is Rocking! I’m loving the Slant speaker angle. Its great hearing the guitar at butt level rather than the back of my knees. My Eleven rack rig sits neatly on top of this very Mod looking speaker. I’m calling it my ‘Robo rig’ as the whole set up looks like one of the Robots from the movie ‘Silent Running’ (See photo attached) but its far from a silent affair when I’m in Plexi mode and rippin the Van Halen tone. Using this rig this Friday at a massive corporate gig I’m playing. Can’t wait. Rock!!! Cheers, Phil


Tony Schmidt & Lattanzio Tonesavers

We congratulate local guitar legend Tony Schmidt for being the first guitarist on the planet to enhance his stage sound with Lattanzio Tonesaver speaker cabinets. Tony will also be featured in our soon to be released YouTube video demonstrating his custom stereo Tonesaver rig and also a variety of guitars and amps matched to Tonesavers. We will keep you posted.